As you know I got a new ride. So what's next? Mods. Changing out tail lights for LED versions. Just making it different and original. Oh wait. Did I say my ride? Sorry. What I meant was Hannah's ride.
When Patti came to visit for her book signing I followed them to Jack in the Box. I noticed Hannah's center brake light, 3rd brake light, novelty brake light, or whatever they call it was burnt out. I remembered a chat I had with Dean where he mentioned they can't ticket you for it, but they can pull you over "as a courtesy" to let you know it's out. In my life I have discovered the less I've gotten pulled over, the better.
So as soon as I got home I went online searching for the bulb size. And after checking a few places I discovered it's pretty hard to find out that bulb size. I can find almost anything on the internet, but the bulb size for a stock brake light? No such luck.
After a while I ran across something way better than the bulb size. (I never did find it.) A website had an LED strip that fit right where the stock one went. She already has the LED brake lights so I thought it would be perfect. And guess what? It was.
Literally took 10 minutes to install. That includes installing it upside down originally.
Yes, I know the car is dirty.